If long drawn out reading isn't your thing, you'll want to just read my general overview of the 2011 12x12 Vancouver Photo Marathon rather than continue on here ;)
Start from the beginning Play-by-play Part 1
Theme 9
Start from the beginning Play-by-play Part 1
Theme 9
The long walk back started to worry me as I might not make the 6pm surprise that we were all promised. Darting up through the West End neighborhoods rather than staying on the increasingly crowded main thoroughfares got me back just in time and gave me an opportunity to see what the residential part of downtown looked like. Maybe I was missing stellar opportunities back here. It was certainly eye-opening as I don’t venture through that part of Vancouver much beyond the occasional foray for parking. I never imagined apartment living in the downtown core to be my cup of tea, but strolling through the neighborhood makes you understand how it’s different from big cities like New York.
I digress.